速報APP / 娛樂 / Animal Jokes

Animal Jokes





版本需求:Android 3.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:118 Portsmouth Ave Portsmouth, NH 03801 United States

Animal Jokes(圖1)-速報App

Huge collection of Animal Jokes! Looking for some clean, silly and hilarious jokes to make you laugh? You will love these funny animal jokes! Some are cheesy, corny and even stupid, but they are sure to make you and your friends laugh! We don't guarantee these will be the funniest jokes ever, but they are all safe for kids and are the best animal jokes out there! If you need a joke to lighten the mood, download this app and keep it handy on your phone! Don't un-install this app, we will update more funny jokes from time to time, or you can unlock the full collection and get new animal jokes with every update! This app has good jokes about the following animals: Dog, cat, rabbit, snake, penguin, duck, lion, pig, frog, chicken, bird, horse, elephant, panda bear, snail, skunk, goat, cow, turtle, giraffe and more!

Animal Jokes(圖2)-速報App